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Foreign unaccompanied minors/orphans Searching for assistance for minors arriving without their parents


>You want to open your home to a child or young person Foster families for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees (UMR) What to do

Among the refugees arriving from Ukraine, several unaccompanied minors have been taken care of by the Red Cross in particular. Some of these minors only had their parents’ telephone number scrawled on their hands.

A series of initiatives have already been put in place concerning management of the reception of foreign unaccompanied minors. Organisations or associations such as ONE (host family approval service), DEI (Défense Enfants International), AISPN (Association des infirmiers spécialisés en pédiatrie/néonatologie), MSF Belgique, Médecins du monde, CROIX rouge BelgiqueUNICEF Belgique… etc. should soon meet to coordinate their actions as much as possible..

On the Dutch-speaking side, Minor-Ndako offers care and support tailored to children, young people and their context in a difficult situation. They are particularly active in the reception of Ukrainian minors. Finally, the association Solentra (linked to the UZ Brussel hospital) offers, based on its expertise in transcultural psychiatry, care and psychological support to young refugees and migrant children, as well as to their families.

Read also:  Ukrainian refugee children and teenagers in Brussels: how to help them?

The Centre for General Welfare Work (CAW) have produced the following materials about their services:

Leaflet about the services of CAW for refugees: 

Leaflet about services of CAW for ⦁    host families and volunteers
Leaflet about services of CAW ⦁    for professionals
Trouble sleeping, worrying and stress? A guide for people with a migrant background: brochure in several languages, including Ukrainian