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Childcare Looking for a daycare for my children

Belgium has an extensive network of quality childcare facilities for young children aged 3 months to 3 years.

Each municipality is responsible for childcare via the network of municipal nurseries. You can contact your municipality's administrative services (refer to the tab 'Local authorities') and ask for the list of municipal nurseries available in your area.

Also refer to the local childcare office for Brussels https://www.kinderopvanginbrussel.be/nlhttps://www.kinderopvanginbrussel.be/nl

In addition to municipal nurseries, other childcare facilities are available, which may or may not be approved and overseen by the official organisations ONE (Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance) and Kind & Gezin. These two organisations, one belonging to the French Community, the other to the Flemish Community, are active in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Further information on:

› https://my.one.be/fr
› https://www.kindengezin.be/nl
› https://www.one.be/public/grossesse/creche-accueillante/trouver-une-creche