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Sexual Violence Looking for assistance in case of sexual abuse

There are more than 1.8 million internally displaced persons and more than 3 million refugees, mostly women and children, fleeing their homes and leaving Ukraine. They are at increased risk of gender-related violence, including sexual violence.

› http://www.egalite.cfwb.be/index.php?id=15979

In the event of sexual violence (adult or child), go to the nearest Centre for the Treatment of Sexual Violence (CPVS) (Brussels, Liège, Ghent) open 24/7 or the hospital emergency room near your home.

› https://www.violencessexuelles.be/centres-prise-charge-violences-sexuelles

If you have been a victim of sexual violence, call SOS Viol (for adults and teenagers) on 0800/98.100 or send a message via the CPVS chat at violencessuelles.sittool.net/chat

› https://www.sosviol.be/

Or contact 1712. 1712 is a helpline for citizens who have a question about violence, abuse, and child abuse. 1712 is available for both minors and adults. 1712 can be contacted by phone, email or chat every business day. Opening hours can be found at 1712.be. Assistance is free and anonymous.

If you have suicidal thoughts, call the Suicide Prevention Centre 24/7.

› https://www.preventionsuicide.be/fr/centre-de-pr%C3%A9vention-du-suicide.html

Or Someone is there for you on Zelfmoordlijn1813 (Suicide Line). All calls are anonymous and free of charge. Looking for help? | Zelfmoord 1813

If you need to talk, call Tele-Help 24/7 on 0800 32 123.

› https://www.cpvcf.org or Tele-Onthaal

The InHere Project (a project of Ghent University/ICRH in collaboration with The Havens (UK), the Ministry of Justice (IE), Payoke, and a number of other partners)

Guidelines drawn up for the identification, protection and onward referral of sexual violence towards refugees in collective reception centres in Belgium.

› Inclusive Holistic Care for Migrant victims of sexual violence (INHeRE) | ICRH (icrhb.org)

GAMS project The ACCESS project is a tool which victims of gender-related violence can be referred to. The website offers explanatory videos, a social card for each type of violence and need for assistance and it also offers an online chat facility. At the moment, the chat facility is available in 10 languages, though Ukrainian is not included, however this tool certainly offers potential.

› ACCESS Project | GAMS Belgique

Centres for countering human trafficking

› Do you think you are a victim? - PAG-ASA
› Payoke | Services
› SÜRYA - A route towards dignity (asblsurya.org)


The organisation's role is to combat the sexual exploitation of children.
A 24-hour helpline is available.

› Qu’est-ce que l’exploitation sexuelle (What is sexual exploitation)? (childfocus.be)